Thursday, June 5, 2008

Venturing Outside

Today we learned a bit about the kids' daily schedule. Those of you who know Blythe well will not be surprised to learn she took copious notes. Five small meals, a 2.5 hour nap in the middle of the day, plus a cup of milk before bed. Hope we can live up to that. There are 2 scheduled times for outdoor play, and we managed to catch the first one today. We've been bringing small presents for the kids each day. Today we brought a battery powered toy that blows bubbles. We discovered this is like catnip for small children, particularly when they travel in packs of 20 or more. We may not bring that one back tomorrow.

We brought a knock-off version of Connect-4. The kids didn't want to play too much, but really seemed to enjoy just filling the board with alternating rows of uniform colors. We're happy with whatever works. We did some coloring today as well, and got to see where the kids eat and sleep.

Afterwards we went to a local flea market (not too exciting) and then to a pizza joint. Kazakh pizza is "interesting": pretty similar to the american style except mayonaise stands in for tomato sauce. Couldn't stomach that, so we got 2 chicken pizzas, "hold the mayo". Now we're back to some quality time in our air conditioned hotel room.

We want to say a very special thanks to everyone who has been responding to our posts. All of your comments have made us feel very supported by everyone at home. Please keep the messages coming!


hillarym said...

Now that I'm done gagging over the thought of Kahzak chicken pizza, with or without mayo, let me just say that there always seems to be something about Connect Four and those columns of color. When I ran my before and after school program, the younger kids were totally into that. It was really the older ones who wanted to actually play by the rules. How exciting that you really get to see the daily routine of the kids and are able to connect with them during that time. It must be an interesting balance of wanting to please and impress, and seeing how your role of new parent will be tested and challenged. I admire you both! Can't wait to read more and keep the photos coming. Much love, hillary

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the kids to get to know Sam and Tyler. I'm sure Samantha will teach them how to speak English. :)

Unknown said...

Love hearing about your adventure and look forward to reading your blog every day. Love Carolyn, Chris, Zoë & Sam

Anonymous said...

What an experience you are having! I love reading your blogs. Can't wait to see you and the kids in West Hartford. - Jason

Anonymous said...


For some reason the blog never came to me, but my mom just sent the blog address---very happy she did! The adventure looks like it is big victory---and I am not just referrig to the bubbles at the orphanage. The kids look really healthy and happy and appear to be bonding full-on. Thanks for the details, the writing has been great---minus the mayonaise pizza.

By the way.....CUTE KIDS!!!
