Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The way to a girl's heart...

The new clothes were a huge hit. Before we even got them out of the bag, Alina was dizzy with excitement. She gave Mama some STRONG hugs just at the sight of the bags. She tried them all on for herself, and then spent most of the time racing back and forth changing outfits to go model her clothes to groups of her friends scattered throughout the orphanage. The speed with which she changed shirts and shoes was encouraging for a future career in theatre or the fashion industry.

Kostin's clothes fit this time, but we had an underestimation on the shoe size. The labelled sizes of the shoes seem irrelevant as shoes 3 sizes larger than the ones he had been wearing look like this. Cute little feet though, huh?

More disputes over water bottles today. We have found out that carbonated water is much preferred by the children over regular bottled water. Kostin had his first sip of the stuff today and said "Mmmmm... sweet!" If we can keep this rouse going, we may be able to prevent some cavities later on (which will make Mama very happy).

The afternoon was filled with alot of paperwork in anticipation of our departure. We had to write speeches for our upcoming court appearance. Our coordinator (Alma) wanted to get these ahead of time to have them translated into Russian. Hope this doesn't mean we'll be reciting Russian to a courtroom full of people. But, if we must, we must. Guess they have to have their laughs too.

So we're pretty beat and will probably sack out early. However, we wanted to keep the blog going for all our faithful readers. We will have more to report tomorrow.


hillarym said...

Oh the adventures in shopping to be had. That picture of Kostin's foot with the too-small shoe made me laugh. I have all but abandoned the notion of shoes sizes for Miles. If it matches his foot, or he can grow into it, great. They grow so quickly, maybe Kostin outgrew that shoe that very morning! Love,


Unknown said...

The joys of the fashion show after a day of shopping! LOVE IT!
Both kids look really happy.

Chris said...

The US economy will welcome Alina warmly. Love how she crosses her legs - so ladylike.

You watching old Kruschev video to get the proper inflection for your speeches?

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't tell you how much I am enjoying your blog. I was away in Memphis for a few days for work and I literally could not wait to get back to catch up on what was new with you. I can't get over how well the bonding is going. How special. But then again, knowing you both, that's no surprise at all. And I loved the shopping story! I so enjoy this blog, it makes my laugh out loud then tear up it is so personal and touching. Thanks for sharing it with us and know how happy I am for you and send my love.


Anonymous said...

So good to catch up on your adventure and see how beautifully everything is going! The kids look SO happy, that is wonderful. Looking forward to meeting them!