Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Meeting the Kids

We have now had 2 "bonding sessions" with our kids! Alina turned 8 on Sunday, and her brother Konstantin turned 4 on Mother's Day. Alina loves the Tiara Blythe picked out for her. As you can see she is very affectionate with her little brother, so we don't think she'll mind having 2 of them. Konstantin loves to read (just like Asher). He only put his matchbox car down long enough to grab our Russian phrase book and start naming objects for us. Alina figured out how to work our digital camera in about 5 minutes and really loved watching video clips of herself. She thought this was the funniest thing she'd ever seen.

At our first meeting yesterday our blow bubbles were a huge hit. Konstantin gave us a big belly laugh every time he popped a bubble. Alina seems to be very good at sharing as she let several of the other children use her bottle of bubbles for awhile.

We were both very impressed with the quality of the orphanage. We watched a beautiful song and dance pageant this morning of which we would show pictures except that we were prohibited from photographing any children but our own. The care givers seem genuinely affectionate and the kids quite happy. We did learn the children are fed in set daily weight rations. While this does not seem to be a problem for Konstantin, Alina has just come through a growth spurt and will need some American sized meals (easy enough).

This afternoon we bought the kids some new clothes and toys to bring tomorrow. Alina has her heart set on a Barbie Doll, which Seth is against in principle (Blythe obviously won that one). Tomorrow we get 2 hours together, so we'll bring some games as well. We are both finding our Russian to be woefully inadequate (surprisingly, a vocabulary of 4 words does not a conversation make) but we're getting by. We have the help of an interpreter now, and some leads on helpful CD's for adoptive parents. The chemistry is there though, and that's the important thing.


hillarym said...

How exciting! What a good start to your experience and time there. And Seth, don't stress too much about the Barbie. One isn't going to create a self-image problem . . . you may recall that all my Barbies wound up with punk rock hair cuts and purple hair. There's a line of soft dolls called Groovy Girls which are pretty cool; Miles had one for a while he named Mindy. Anyhoo, our love to you. TTFN, hillary, john and miles

Unknown said...

I'm going to cry! I am so happy for your both, it all seems to be wonderful. Both children look happy. I concur with Hillary, don't worry about the Barbie thing, Zoë managed fine and has basically grown out of that faze without too many scars. She has however moved on to American Girl dolls! My kids are very excited about your growing family and cannot wait to meet them. Good luck with everything and if there is anything we can do, please just ask. Look forward to your next installment.
Love Carolyn, Chris Zoë & Sam.

Jacqui said...

Thanks for keeping us up-to-date as your beautiful family grows. We are keeping a caring eye on your home - the construction continues full speed ahead. Can't wait to meet our new neighbors when you return. Jacqui & Peter

Anonymous said...

Wow, It sounds like a dream come true. We printed out the photos and everyone is so happy for you.
The blog is great. Enjoy your time there. Mike

Chris said...

Zozo's barbies also all ended up naked in a basket and chewed on by dogs. Not exactly sure that that might mean, and frankly I'm surprised I mention it, given it will probably add to stress rather than remove it.

Sounds like the kind of place you were hoping for. Some cynical parents might suggest you only need one Rooskie word for child rearin - NYET. I wouldn't agree at all.

lorry said...

Maybe you can end up with the one thing my russian grandma taught me:
ya tibiya lublu(sp?)=i love you..

Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys are truly amazing. I have goosebumps reading this posting. How wonderful to open your home and give these two beautiful children a home. I am so happy for you and glad you got over there safely. Great idea to do this...I will look forward to more postings and sharing this next chapter with you. Thinking of you all and sending my love....Robin