Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Make-Up Party

Today we spent 2 hours with the kids. We shared our interpreter with our friend Lauren and her soon-to-be daughter Tasha. Alina loved the new dress we bought for her, but Kostin's clothes were a little too big. Clothes are REALLY expensive here, so just a few outfits to get them home to the land of cheap Chinese goods. We brought several new toys, but none were as big a hit as Lauren's purse full of make-up products. Lauren allowed them all to give her an extreme makeover, but stopped short of letting Alina weild the eye liner. Even Kostin got into combing the other kids' hair.

Alina surprised us by counting to 5 in english. Blythe taught her a few new words today, starting with "flower" which she repeated back even 2 hours later. We also learned several new russian words, but can't remember any of them now. Guess that doesn't count.

Today we brought a photo album to show them pictures from home. They both said "mama" and "dada" pointing to us in the pictures, so that's good. The orphanage director popped in during today's session to let us know that Kostin told her in the hallway yesterday that he loves his daddy! We assume he means Seth.

After seeing the kids we went to lunch at a Turkish resteraunt in town. Found some gelato (bonus!) and then did some unsuccessful souveneir shopping. The stores looked interesting, but we could only brave the 100 degree ozone for so long. The new cars around here seem fine, but the soviet style cars spew so much black smoke you'd think they were on fire. More to report tomorrow.


hillarym said...

How fun! It may not seem obvious now, but I always did love make-up parties as a kid. It sounds as if things are going really well. Yeah! This blog is a great thing. I feel really connected to what's happening. Can't wait to read more. Love, hillary

Anonymous said...

We are real excited about the blog. It is so great to be able to share this special time with you.!! You all look sooooo happy it makes us smile ( and that's not easy !) Tony, Barb, & Diana (the dream team)

Anonymous said...

So, the blog has become my daily fix! I come home each night and tell Marc I need a few minutes to check-out the latest happenings in Kaz! Good deals on clothes---grandpa would be proud and grandma would be not as proud. Blythe, I think online kid clothing swaps might be in your future!

Say---how are the showers---par for the course or any new adventures? Seems like you spend approx 2 hrs a day with the kids---is that right?

Kim :)