Monday, June 16, 2008

Indoor Playground

We had been wondering what they do with all these kids in the winter, when it gets to be -40C (according to Denara, our interpreter). Today we found out when we were allowed to play in the indoor playground. This was actually quite impressive. We're not sure that we will be able to compete with this at our house. However, we imagine that this room is unually filled with 50 screaming kids, so in that respect, We're sure our playroom at home is an improvement.

Unfortunately, our camera battery died before we could many more pictures. They did have some large stuffed blocks (about 3 feet high) in various shapes. They also had a large stuffed barrel thing that the kids would climb inside so we could spin them around. Lots of fun. Kostin and Alina also performed a short piano duet. Not short enough, really, but it's nice to know they have some musical inclination.

Lauren also brought a doctor playkit for Tanishka today. Kostin seemed to take to it, after Tanishka had finished giving her Teddy Bear an enima. He seemd more fastenated with the stethascope which was fine by us. Alina gave Blythe a sick visit exam with the axillary thermometer, the otoscope, and the reflex hammer. Ultimately she let Blythe go with a little medication box that was labelled "glucose". She knows her mama well.

Blythe also brought a "painting by numbers" kit for Alina. She spent a little time with it, but overall she seems to enjoy free-form much more. We think that's okay, given that she really is pretty good at it.

So today is Monday, and everything is closed in Kazakhstan. We think this is the secular day of rest held over from the Soviet era. It doesn't seem to have any Muslim significance. The point is that we don't have much more to report today, so we will sign off early. Hope everyone is doing well back home.


hillarym said...

All I could think of when I saw that top photo was Sesame Place. I'm sure you'll find something to entertain and wow that will compete with the indoor playground. After all, we are the land of super-size.

Miles also takes to the doctor kit that's a part of the play things at our vet's office. He likes to hear our (mine and the baby's) "heartbeep." Most of the other objects in there are far less appealing. Again, something the boys have in common.

Miles is waking, so I better run. Love,

Anonymous said...

Still sending lots of love your way and to little Asher back home. You and he are always in my thoughts - I can't imagine the family reunion and then again when you are reunited with your two older kids! Lots of excitement in your future! (and in theirs)
"Love is all you need.."
Love, Tarryn

Anonymous said...

I had to catch up on the last couple of days at once. It seems that the bonding is going very well.

Samantha has drawn some pictures for the kids when they come home and can't wait to show them her toys.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having a blast! Hope you're both getting the hang of the "russki yazik." I thought the Georgian place you went to reminded me of our trip to St. Petersburg a few years ago, when they took us to a "peasant town." Russian language tip of the day: say "nostdroviye" ("to your health") when drinking your beer!

The kids look great, although I'm sure you're ready to get home (and have them home with you!). Best of luck with the courts next week, and the trip home. We'll be thinking of you.

Mike & Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Hi Seth and Blyth,
I have been reading your blog regularly and just figured out how to sign in correctly. I am not sure if you got my other messages. I am so impressed! You guys are amazing and your kids are so lucky. I can only imagine how hard it will be to leave until the kids paperwork gets finalized. My prayers and thoughts are with you all. After your entire family is reunited you must come visit me in Albuquerque. I am praying and sending you guys good clean energy to get through all of this smoothly.
Lisa Berle

Anonymous said...

Greetings! Joan shared your blog with us at the pool this morning and I have just spent a delightful hour reading about those wonderful little folks you are lucky enough to have joining you. Keep writing! Hold together! ( I was in Perm last spring and vividly remember the breakfasts) love, Sally Williams