Thursday, June 26, 2008

Greetings from Almaty International Airport

Well, free WiFi in the airport, so we have a few minutes to blog. Our court appearance yesterday was brief and successful. We were overjoyed (as can be expected). Afterwards we said goodbye to our friend Lauren, and to Dan & Allison with whom we have become very close. We flew back to Almaty last night, and no sooner had we reached the tarmac when the skies opened up with a monsoon like storm that lasted over an hour. Most folks were afraid to leave the aircraft; we were 2 of 6 people that bolted for the transfer bus, then sat watching the deluge coming down and waiting for the rest of the passengers.

After another excruciating night in a different really expensive but uncomfortable Almaty hotel, we are on our way this morning. We will be back in Hartford Friday afternoon, and we will of course continue to periodically update the blog with the adoption process. Everyone say their prayers as we wait until July 14th. That is the point at which the objection period ends, and after that no dark horse family members can appear to object to our adoption. We're feeling very optimistic, but we will still breathe a big sigh of relief when the kids arrive in the U.S. (likely the beginning of August). Thanks to everyone for following along. We'll see you stateside.


Anonymous said...

Great news that court went well and you are safely embarking on your way home. Can't imagine the great reunion you will have with Asher. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and saying our prayers for you for the next few weeks and beyond until the kids are all in CT with you. Meanwhile, enjoy your renovated home. What a nice surprise that will be to come home to. Hope it's all done! Safe travels.
Love, Robin

hillarym said...

YAY! I'm really glad to hear the court appearance went well. Honestly, I can't imagine a family member that would step in the way of a loving adoption and I hope we never know what that's like. Sending good vibes that direction.

Safe travels, although you're already mid-transit by now. I'm sure being home will be both welcome and strange, and the best of all will be seeing young Asher man.

So, welcome home! Love,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like good news. We're looking forward to seeing you and Asher and catching up. We'll keep you in our prayers. For the record, Star Trek II is an awesome movie; the ear bug scene is necessary to advance the plot; and Ricardo Montoban's performance is brilliant.

Greg & Allison

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting all that legal stuff done and out of the way. We will keep you and the children in our prayers and hope the time will go quickly until everyone is reunited again in August.

Seth, Marina, Anya and Andrei