Saturday, June 14, 2008

Good Food at Last

Today we jump right to the end to tell you we have finally found a place to eat with good food. Our friend Lauren found a Georgian restaurant (the Russian kind; not the kind with ribs and fritters) that looks like the authentic facade of "Olive Garden". But that's where the similarities end. The specialty seemed to be a mixed grille, but Blythe managed to stumble upon a white fish baked with cheese and butter surrounded by..... fresh raw vegetables! And even a leaf of lettuce! (Garnish; not meant for consumption.)

We had to wait a long time for the food, but it was the kind of place where you sit outside sipping your drinks all afternoon without anywhere you have to be for hours. You know, the kind of place you see in the movies. We sat in a stone grotto with a light breeze blowing, and overlooked the beautiful Irtush River. We later found out the water is heavily polluted, but it didn't spoil the ambience.

Anyhoo, let's back up about four hours. Blythe brought Alina a sparkly purse, glittery nail polish, and floral hair clips to match - essentials for any girly girl (which was the only description we were given of her prior to our arrival). After Mama did Alina's nails, Alina went on to share the wealth with Tanishka. The two of them seemed quite at ease with the whole makeover thing.

More clay for Kostin. While we were taking pictures of the girls, he seemed to have alot of fun playing with the containers the clay came in. He spent alot of time talking with them and cuddling them. Ultimately he decided the orange container was dirty and it had to sit in the corner as punishment. Interesting.

The day ended with an impromtu game of hide and seek. Not all that technically challenging in a 12x14 room, but the kids seemed thrilled. They really didn't hide anywhere, but just sat behind a desk chair clutching each other and giggling furiously whenever we looked at them. This is the less physically tortuous version of hide and seek.

We want to thank everyone for the prayers and good thoughts which have payed off. We got our court date moved up and procured seats on a flight that has been booked solid for days. Well done everyone! More tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

great photos. i look forward every day to see what you are up to. you all look so happy. great news about the court date and flight! we'll be thining of you.

hillarym said...

How exciting to have found authentic local yummy food! I was wondering if your interpreter might have assumed "good food" to you would be anything similar to American food (or the Kazakh version thereof). I can just picture the happiness. Well, if you can't watch movies, you might as well feel as though you're in one, right?

OK, note to self: glitter is good, orange clay bad. Love,
