Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Court Prep

Our friends Allison and Dan lent us their video player and DVD's last night. Ah, to veg out in front of mindless entertainment! It's like we've been going through withdrawal. While Seth put together the court documents (attaching pictures to our daily log) we watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. We picked this because Blythe didn't think she had seen it before. Ten minutes into the movie she realized this was the one with the little bugs that crawl into people's ears, and remembered this had scarred her emotionally as a child. She had nightmares all night of horrible torture, and blamed it all on the movie. Seth sat reciting all the lines by heart, though, so he was pretty happy. Blythe thought the whole thing was pretty low budge, other than the crucial 5 minute ear bug sequence when she was hiding under a pillow. The only other film that has ever frightened Blythe this much was K-19: The Widowmaker. This is the submarine movie where half the crew dies a horrible mucous sloughing death due to radiation exposure. As it turns out, Spock dies just that way at the end of Star Trek II, so she'll be needing a good psychiatrist when we get home.

Anyway - the kids. We learned something today: the only thing more frustrating that legos are cheap knock-off legos that fall apart if you look at them funny. After only a few minutes, our session regressed to the kids running around like crazy people while the adults ignored them in a vain attempt to assemble these pieces of junk. Interestingly, Alina had no interest in the pseudo-legos as she professes she is not a boy (seems to be a changing profile). Kostin tried to enjoy our lego car creations, but when they started falling apart he was back to the tea set. As a result, the pictures from today are identical to yesterday, minus Kostin's pink wife-beater tank top.

The other highlight today was flipping the dome pillow thing over so the kids could use it as a teeter-totter. Don't try this at home. Whenever we looked up from the legos kids were flying in all directions. We took immediate action by not looking up anymore.

This afternoon (after a rest) we will head over to Allison & Dan's room for an evening of movies and scrabble. They have their 3 and 5 year old sons with them, and they are adopting a beautiful baby girl. Guess that 3 is their magic number too.


hillarym said...

Movies at last! While I have to admit Star Trek never scared me that much, I'm sure you remember the detriment that Alien did. Permanently scarred I tell you. Maybe you can watch that one tonight.

It's interesting to hear about the people you meet up with who are also adopting. Are any of them from CT? That might be a nice community to be a part of when you get home.


Anonymous said...

Love catching up on you guys. Thinking of you and hoping court goes well (I know it will:)
