Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Досвидание Alina & Kostin

Today was our last day at the orphanage. We brought presents for the kids to give to their care givers. We found out a few more crucial things about the kids. For instance, Alina's favorite ice cream is vanilla, and Kostin likes chocolate. Blythe was concerned she would not have the right kind of foods in the house when the kids arrive, so she asked Alina what her tastes are. Alina seemed very happy to be asked and explained she likes meat, cooked vegetables (never raw), but does not like soup. Blythe was able to get several more pictures of the bedrooms and bathrooms, as the kids might enjoy looking back at their old home. Kostin's room had 14 beds in it. His care giver was emphatic that we take a picture of the lunch spread as well. She seemed very proud of their set up there.

The bathroom is very orderly like most things in the orphanage. Short sinks and toilets (sans seats and toilet paper). Each child gets a hook for their towel and washcloth. Blythe already has several ideas on how to whip our house into shape. For those of you who do not know, Blythe LOVES to have things organized and systematic.

As you might imagine, goodbye was not easy. The kids spent the 2 hours in the standard fashion (ie: running around like crazy people). At the end, though, Kostin became very clingy. This was bittersweet. He kept giving us hugs and saying "mama & papa" over and over. Alina has a better handle on things, but she is also sad. We feel like the sooner we go, the sooner the kids come for good. We also feel confident that all will go smoothly. However, we hate to leave them, and we won't really rest easy until they arrive in Hartford. There is a 2 weeks appeal window after the court hearing for family members to challenge the court decision if they desire. No family members have shown up in over a year, but it doesn't mean we aren't nervous!

We are off to Almaty tomorrow afternoon when the hearing is over. We will blog if we can. Otherwise we'll update everyone from West Hartford! We leave you with the peaceful image of fly fishing on the Irtysh River (taken during Seth's last walk around town).


Anonymous said...

I'm sure the time will fly by and August will be here before you know it. Besides, it sounds like Blythe may have a few home organization plans in the works...

Thanks so much for sharing your "bonding time" on the blog.

We'll be praying for a safe and comfortable trip home and we'll be looking forward to meeting the kids later this summer.

Seth, Marina, Anya and Andrei

Anonymous said...

Once again, all my prayers are with you and the kids (all three). Thank you for this peek into such a personal and precious time in your lives. I have been addicted to your blog - despite my infrequent comments. I feel a little like the end of the Olympics when you can't imagine what you did with your evenings before they started and you can't imagine what will take their place. Please consider showing us the pictures of their new home in West Hartford - I haven't seen your renovations and I'd love to see what ideas Blythe has brought home with her (hopefully she'll keep the seats on the loos!) Fly safe! Love, Tarryn

hillarym said...

Hmmm . . . using an orphanage as inspiration for home decor. A new approach indeed. Well, let me know how it goes! We could use some tips once our remodel gets finished (and no, we have not started yet, but should be in the next week or so).

Wow, this journey certainly has felt like a long time and I am sure you are very anxious to get back. Saying good-bye is hard, but as you mentioned it means it's the start of something new. Good luck in court: smile, nod (don't nod-off, though) and look pretty. You're such an impressive couple I'm sure nothing will stand in your way.

Much love,
hillary, john, miles, jelly bean, buddy and pico

Anonymous said...

It's been amazing to see the progress the kids have made in the time you've been there. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am really attached to this and do hope yu can continue (although we don't expect it to be daily!) at home to keep us posted on how they are doing and how little Asher is as well. Can imagine how bittersweet this is to leave Alina and Kostin but to get to hold Asher again. I'll be thinking of you and sending you good vibes and positive energy for smooth sailing tomorrow. Wishing you safe travels and hoping all goes well in the coming weeks and your family is all together -- all 5 of you -- in no time.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet the kids. Good luck with the travels. See you soon.